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Keil C/C++ compiler in Eclipse IDE


Can you help me?

How include Keil C/C++ compiler in Eclipse IDE?
Whether it is possible?
Whether debugging with OpenOCD will earn?

  • What are you trying to accomplish? Here's how I see it:

    1) Using Eclipse as a nicer front-end for editing, including browsing through definitions and references: easily done
    2) Feeding error output back to Eclipse so you can fix compile errors outside of Keil uVision: relatively easy
    3) Using ARMCC compiler to generate ELF and then debugging natively in Eclipse via OCD: haven't tried this but should work, I think ARMCC output is largely compatible with other ELF/DWARF-producing toolchains

    If you want to accomplish 3) you should set up an Eclipse based environment that uses GCC, I think there are several available, and then try to replace the build scripts with your own ARMCC based scripts.

    I would love to see Keil dropping uVision completely and going Eclipse but given the large amount of work porting the trace features built into uVision (when used with ULINKPro) I'm not sure this will happen anytime soon. If you're using a cheapo probe that doesn't have trace you're probably just as well off going with a generic GCC/OpenOCD solution.


  • What are you trying to accomplish? Here's how I see it:

    1) Using Eclipse as a nicer front-end for editing, including browsing through definitions and references: easily done
    2) Feeding error output back to Eclipse so you can fix compile errors outside of Keil uVision: relatively easy
    3) Using ARMCC compiler to generate ELF and then debugging natively in Eclipse via OCD: haven't tried this but should work, I think ARMCC output is largely compatible with other ELF/DWARF-producing toolchains

    If you want to accomplish 3) you should set up an Eclipse based environment that uses GCC, I think there are several available, and then try to replace the build scripts with your own ARMCC based scripts.

    I would love to see Keil dropping uVision completely and going Eclipse but given the large amount of work porting the trace features built into uVision (when used with ULINKPro) I'm not sure this will happen anytime soon. If you're using a cheapo probe that doesn't have trace you're probably just as well off going with a generic GCC/OpenOCD solution.

