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Wireless Sensor Networks

Hello everybody,

I want to do a project on Wireless Sensor Networks, where i will have sensor nodes placed at different places. All i want is to communicate to my server speech samples, images.

How should i begin. pls help

  • Isn't it you who want to do a project?

    Is it then you who have to figure out exactly what that project should include?

    And when you have on paper a good description of the project - wouldn't you then know what you need to do to reach that result?

    By the way - speech and images have enough size that you either need a bit faster transfer or need large enough buffers.

    With ZigBee you would normally need to buffer everything.
    With Blutooth you could stream audio but need buffering for one or more images.
    With WLAN you could even stream video.

    It's up to you to do the thinking. What you want to solve. What alternatives there are. If these alternatives have reasonable requirements (cost, power, range, speed, availability, interface requirements, ...)

    Alternatively: Ask your teacher for a turn-key solution you can just hand in without own work.

  • Isn't it you who want to do a project?

    Is it then you who have to figure out exactly what that project should include?

    And when you have on paper a good description of the project - wouldn't you then know what you need to do to reach that result?

    By the way - speech and images have enough size that you either need a bit faster transfer or need large enough buffers.

    With ZigBee you would normally need to buffer everything.
    With Blutooth you could stream audio but need buffering for one or more images.
    With WLAN you could even stream video.

    It's up to you to do the thinking. What you want to solve. What alternatives there are. If these alternatives have reasonable requirements (cost, power, range, speed, availability, interface requirements, ...)

    Alternatively: Ask your teacher for a turn-key solution you can just hand in without own work.

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