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Variable and IF

i m working in C using Keil 3.55a

how can i define a one bit variable

and how can i compare two bits using if

how can i set or clear Bit

and how can i get the compliment of one byte or one bit, like in ASM CPL A or CPL c

  • can i define a one bit variable

    Use #define

    #define glcd_SCK        4
    #define glcd_SDIN       3
    #define glcd_DC         2
    #define glcd_SCE        1
    #define glcd_RST        0

    2.How can i compare two bits using if

    if(bit1 operator bit2)

    3.How can i set or clear Bit

       bit=0; // for clearing
       bit=1; // for setting

    4.How can i get the compliment of one byte or one bit, like in ASM CPL A or CPL c
    A: Use ^ operator.

    byte^=(1<<bit_pos);  // complements the bit in the "bit_pos" bit position.
    bit=(~bit);          // complements the bit

  • can i define a one bit variable

    Use #define

    #define glcd_SCK        4
    #define glcd_SDIN       3
    #define glcd_DC         2
    #define glcd_SCE        1
    #define glcd_RST        0

    2.How can i compare two bits using if

    if(bit1 operator bit2)

    3.How can i set or clear Bit

       bit=0; // for clearing
       bit=1; // for setting

    4.How can i get the compliment of one byte or one bit, like in ASM CPL A or CPL c
    A: Use ^ operator.

    byte^=(1<<bit_pos);  // complements the bit in the "bit_pos" bit position.
    bit=(~bit);          // complements the bit
