After some study, trial and error, I created a simple project for a NXP LPC1768, to test its timer interrupt. This project contains only startup_LPC17xx.s, system_LPC17xx.c, C-main.c, and timer.c.
#include "lpc17xx.h" #include "timer.h" extern uint32_t SystemFrequency; int main(void) { SystemInit(); Timer_Init_n_Enable( LPC_TIM0, (SystemFrequency/8-1) ); NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn); /* LED Init */ LPC_GPIO2->FIODIR |= 0x000000FF; /* P2.0 to P2.7 LEDs defined as output */ while(1); }
#include "lpc17xx.h" #include "timer.h" void TIMER0_IRQHandler(void) { LPC_TIM0->IR = (1u<<0); // Reset the MR0 Interrupt; Writing a zero has no effect. LPC_GPIO2->FIOPIN ^= (1<<7); // Toggle LED. } void Timer_Init_n_Enable( LPC_TIM_TypeDef * TimerX, uint32_t TimerInterval ) { TimerX->MR0 = TimerInterval; TimerX->MCR |= (1u<<0) | (1u<<1); // Interrupt and Reset on MR0 TimerX->TCR |= (1u<<0); // Enable Timer Counter and Prescale Counter }
This project seemed to work.
But if I change the timer.c to:
void TIMER0_IRQHandler(void) { LPC_GPIO2->FIOPIN ^= (1<<7); // Toggle LED. LPC_TIM0->IR = (1u<<0); // Reset the MR0 Interrupt; Writing a zero has no effect. }
It doesn't work.
If I change the timer.c to:
void TIMER0_IRQHandler(void) { LPC_GPIO2->FIOPIN ^= (1<<7); // Toggle LED. LPC_TIM0->IR = (1u<<0); // Reset the MR0 Interrupt; Writing a zero has no effect. NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn); }
It seemed to works.
I guess that, it doesn't work because I clear the LPC_TIM0->IR interrupt flag too late, so the NVIC generates a pending interrupt for LPC_TIM0->IR.
I don't have a LPC23xx now, so I can't verify my guess. I guess that, it will still work:
void Timer0Handler(void) __irq { FIO2PIN ^= (1<<7); // Toggle LED. T0IR = 1; /* Clear Interrupt Flag */ VICVectAddr = 0; /* Acknowledge Interrupt */ }
I think it is usual that, programmer needs to do something to identify which kind of interrupt was triggered, before clear the interrupt flag.
So, if my understanding is correct, how do I know that, I did NOT clear the interrupt flag too late within an ISR?
It is quite frustrated that, I can't even handle a simple timer interrupt properly. Maybe my understanding has never been correct.
This issue has been seen in other Cortex-M3 microcontrollers. Normally the Cortex-M3 wait until the previous write is completed before the interrupt return. However, some microcontrollers has a write buffer in the peripheral bridge. The write buffer accelerates single write transfers to peripherals so that the processor don't have to wait until the transfer is done (peripheral bus might be running at slower clock speed).
However, for clearing an interrupt request, the write buffer reply to the processor that transfer is done, while the actual write transfer actually haven't been completed in the peripheral. So the processor executed interrupt return, and found that the interrupt request from the peripheral is still high and think that it is a new interrupt request.
Adding memory barrier instruction (e.g. DSB) doesn't always help because the buffer is outside the processor. But it might introduce just enough delay to allow the interrupt to be cleared. Calling a function to clear the interrupt pending register NVIC also introduce some extra clock cycles of delay. So the interrupt request is deasserted when interrupt return is executed.
Another way to solve this problem is to carry out a dummy access to the peripheral, e.g. a read access to the same peripheral, to ensure that the previous write is completed before executing the interrupt return.
Hope this help.
Hi Joseph,
Though I often get helps from Experts via this Keil Discussion Forum. But it is surprising that I would get a reply from Joseph Yiu. I think you are not a regular visitor of this forum. Many Thanks for your help.
I would have considered that, adding a memory update is enough to avoid such a synchronization problem,
void TIMER0_IRQHandler(void) { if ( LPC_TIM0->IR & (1u<<0) ) { LPC_TIM0->IR = (1u<<0); // Reset the MR0 Interrupt; Writing a zero has no effect. Timer0_Counter++; } }
now I know that, a memory update might not be good enough. A dummy access to the peripheral register would be better.