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problems with chip NXP LPC932A1FA

Subject: problems with chip NXP LPC932A1FA
Description: Related product: Microcontrollers, 80C51 (8-bit), LPC932A1FA-A120670016Y1G1051B

Using the programming system of KEIL named MCB900 we are able to program completly Philips devices (part number:LPC932A1FA YIG0638B A1027700). We recently bought 60 pieces of product: NXP LPC932A1FA (by NXP). With these, we use the same code and the same programmer, but, the chip does not manage to do what instead is doing by the philips chip. In other words, we complete the programming phase, but the chips (we used more than 10) are not working properly (respect to philips model).
Do you have any idea concerning the problem?
Do we have to modify any programmer parameters or other issues?
We are looking forward for any help for you.

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