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TCPNet Speed difference between TCPD_CM3 and TCP_CM3


I am using a freescale kinetis MK60 processor with the MDK4.20, but I noticed a tremendous difference in speed between the TCPD_CM3.LIB and TCP_CM3.LIB.

When using the release version of the library, the internal webserver reacts much slower than when I use the debug version.

Does anybody have experience with this issue, or could it be a timing problem?



  • Hi,

    Problem solved by simply waiting for the ethernet packet to be transmitted before sending another packet. Maybe not the most elegant way to handle it, but efficient and it saves RAM aswell :)


  • Hi,

    Problem solved by simply waiting for the ethernet packet to be transmitted before sending another packet. Maybe not the most elegant way to handle it, but efficient and it saves RAM aswell :)

