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How to port eCos to LPC2378

I'm a newbie to eCos and I want to port eCos 3.0 to LPC2378. But i don't know how to do it.

I have read "Embedded Software Development with eCos" and it guide me that I have load Redboot to LPC2378 first and then, use Redboot command to load eCos. But I cann't load Redboot to LPC2378.

I have built Redboot with "eCos Configuretion Tool" and later I have redboot.img. then, I use "arm-elf-objcopy -O ihex redboot.img redboot.hex" command to convert img file to .hex file and then I use Flash Magic to load redboot.hex into LPC2378 but redboot doesn't work (I don't see anything on Hyper Terminal when I connect Hyper Terminal to LPC2378 board)

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