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Help me pick a device, please

Hello everyone.
For my university project I have to pick a processor and simulate UART and DMA on it.
Can you advice a processor, UART and DMA for which is supported be Keil uVision4?
Thanks in advance.

  • If simulating, then I would just write a PC program.

    No reason to use a microcontroller for simulating a processor.

    It's a completely different thing if you are going to implement a UART in software, i.e. actually be able to send in real serial data at a real, fixed, baudrate on a GPIO pin and have the processor handle it. And correspondingly send out data on another GPIO pin.

    Simulating DMA doesn't really sound meaningful. It would still just be an interrupt-driven (?) UART communication that places received data in one memory buffer somewhere and picks up other outgoing data from another buffer. So no real difference from a standard interrupt-driven UART communication.

  • If simulating, then I would just write a PC program.

    No reason to use a microcontroller for simulating a processor.

    It's a completely different thing if you are going to implement a UART in software, i.e. actually be able to send in real serial data at a real, fixed, baudrate on a GPIO pin and have the processor handle it. And correspondingly send out data on another GPIO pin.

    Simulating DMA doesn't really sound meaningful. It would still just be an interrupt-driven (?) UART communication that places received data in one memory buffer somewhere and picks up other outgoing data from another buffer. So no real difference from a standard interrupt-driven UART communication.
