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program external peripheral through jtag

I'm working on an NXP LPC2478; the IDE is the KEIL uVision4.
My PCB is present outside the micro a SRAM memory connected to the micro.
I want to access and program directly to the SRAM via JTAG and load the data on the SRAM via JTAG.
How can I do?

  • Hello Dav Mas,

    You need to provide an INI file which configures the External Memory Controller (EMC).

    Please take a look at example .\Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCB2400\Blinky.
    Target LPC2468 Ext SDRAM uses an external SDRAM to store code and data.

    Best Regards,
    Martin Guenther

  • Hello Dav Mas,

    You need to provide an INI file which configures the External Memory Controller (EMC).

    Please take a look at example .\Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCB2400\Blinky.
    Target LPC2468 Ext SDRAM uses an external SDRAM to store code and data.

    Best Regards,
    Martin Guenther
