I'm using the STM32F103ZE uC on the MCBSTM32E development board. I tried the example programs, they all compile and download and run fine, but they are NOT SIMPLE. They use a lot of Library files etc, etc, etc. I just try to make some ports go high or low.
The example GPIO program states: - Enable the clock signal for the GPIO. - Configure the Alternate Function to use a GPIO (usually standard after reset). - Configure the GPIO pins as input or output. - Set remaining parameters like speed, pull-up/down. - Enable the GPIO. - Read from or write to the GPIO.
Can someone give me a simple (and I mean REALLY SIMPLE) program to control just one single GPIO port?
My questions to activate some port: - do I need something to know about internal clock signals? - do I need some startup file?
Thanks for the info. Now I've got to incorporate the *new* libraries. Oh, I'm so looking forward to that.
CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard) info: http://www.onarm.com/
--Cpt. Vince Foster 2nd Cannon Place Fort Marcy Park, VA
P.S. I got to develop the prototype of this puppy "SDB" (Small Diameter Bomb)... media.militaryphotos.net/.../adr.mpeg (Yes, I'm bored and it is a cool video: Andy, I emailed you the photo of me & the SDB a while ago)
I can't seem to get "stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chm" working. I'm not familiar with the help 'books' within uVision.
I tried adding it to the 'books' but that didn't work. Any suggestions?
Yes, I'm trying to utilize STMicro's "new" StdPeriph_Lib_V3.30 libraries, and the help files -- I'm just guessing -- will come in handy.
I can't seem to get "stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chm" working.
It turns out that on Windows7, the .chm file needs to be in a directory without spaces... I put it in the root directory":
And now it works. (whereas it wasn't working in other locations on my C drive. Of course, I made a short-cut to the help file(s) from ST-Microelectronics).
I thought that others using the STM32 series who might have had an 'issue' with this might benefit from this tid-bit of information.
Fixed - see: http://www.keil.com/forum/docs/thread17404.asp
(I wonder if this post will disappear into the black hole...?)