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Led moving dispaly

Hi experts i am new to embedded i want to create an 8x8 moving led matrix please help me \
i am not well in English please don't include complex sentience

  • Please come back after you have googled the subject, found lots of useful information, started to make use of that information, but found that you are stuck somewhere.

    There really is no reason why we should spoon feed you all the information, just because you have found one (or maybe more) forum as your first stop. A forum is not a first top for a project. A forum is where you go when you already know a lot about a subject, but you want to elaborate more, and hence needs two-way communication.

  • Please come back after you have googled the subject, found lots of useful information, started to make use of that information, but found that you are stuck somewhere.

    There really is no reason why we should spoon feed you all the information, just because you have found one (or maybe more) forum as your first stop. A forum is not a first top for a project. A forum is where you go when you already know a lot about a subject, but you want to elaborate more, and hence needs two-way communication.

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