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Problem with banking


In one of our project we are using 80C51FA interfaced with PSD934F2. The controller does not have any ROM. PSD934 is being used which consists of 256KB Primary flash, 32K secondary flash and 8K of RAM. PSD934 can be configured using a software known as PSD soft which is a proprietary software. Therefore PSD934 consists of the program code, any external data and PLD logic.

Setup Details:

Development Envirnoment
1. IDE is winIDEA 2010
2. Compiler is Keil 7.03

For debugging/emulation purpose we have the following setup.
1. IC 1000 Power Emulator
2. Philips H-8xC52 POD.

Code banking mechanism is being used. L51_BANK.A51 file is being used. We have Common area and 7 banks of 32KB each. We are using XDATA memory map for bank switching.

We are trying to run the sample code by adding one bank at a time. When bank 2 is added, a file is added with one function. When a call is made for this function, the control resets and goes to the being location (0.0000H).

We would like to know, whether any separate assembly file is there when using a emulator.

Response awaited.



  • "we are using 80C51FA interfaced with PSD934F2"

    The 80C51FA has no on-chip program memory, and barely any on-chip RAM:

    The PSD934F2 is an obsolete memory-expansion chip:

    "We are trying to run the sample code..."

    What sample code?

    Why are you trying to run sample code?

    Sample code is usually used by people just starting with a new platform - but why would you start out with such an out-of-date platform design??

    Why not just start with a chip that has sufficient resources without needing external expansion, and without messing about with banking?
    You just seem to be making unnecessary difficulties & complications for yourself!

  • "we are using 80C51FA interfaced with PSD934F2"

    The 80C51FA has no on-chip program memory, and barely any on-chip RAM:

    The PSD934F2 is an obsolete memory-expansion chip:

    "We are trying to run the sample code..."

    What sample code?

    Why are you trying to run sample code?

    Sample code is usually used by people just starting with a new platform - but why would you start out with such an out-of-date platform design??

    Why not just start with a chip that has sufficient resources without needing external expansion, and without messing about with banking?
    You just seem to be making unnecessary difficulties & complications for yourself!
