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Problem declaration

My problem is that i want to create a file that contains some subroutine and call these
routines from an other files that contains the main program.
So in the main file i write this lines

NbMod   EQU 2
SRC     EQU 1000H
DST     EQU 1100H


in the other file i write

EXTRN   Number(NbMod)
EXTRN   Number(SRC)
EXTRN   Number(DST)

                XSEG    AT Source       ; Error absolute expression required
SRC_RAM:        DS      16 * NbMod      ; Error Relocatable expression
                XSEG    AT DST          ; Error absolute expression required
DST_RAM:        DS      16 * NbMod      ; Error Relocatable expression

you can show the message error in the right of each line
but when i do these lines

NbMod   EQU 2
SRC     EQU 1000H
DST     EQU 1100H

in the same file ( i mean the file that contains the subroutine) i haven't this problem
i don't understand why since i declare the Public in the main and EXTRN in the subroutine files

Thank you

  • Please read up on the EQU keyword.

    It does _not_ declare any variable. It just defines a constant - basically an alias.

    If NbMod had been a variable, you would not have been able to write "16 * NbMod" since the assembler can't compute an expression containing a variable. Variables are evaluated during runtime (by assembler instructions) while constants are evaluated during assembly time by the assembler.

    So there isn't a symbol accessible for the linker to make use of.

  • Please read up on the EQU keyword.

    It does _not_ declare any variable. It just defines a constant - basically an alias.

    If NbMod had been a variable, you would not have been able to write "16 * NbMod" since the assembler can't compute an expression containing a variable. Variables are evaluated during runtime (by assembler instructions) while constants are evaluated during assembly time by the assembler.

    So there isn't a symbol accessible for the linker to make use of.
