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typedef union problem

I have a problem with typedef union as parameter for a function-call.

definition of the typedef

union uParameter {
  byte     bByte;   //  8 bit unsigned
  int16    iInt16;  // 16 bit signed
  int32    iInt32;  // 32 bit signed
typedef union uParameter USR_tu_Para;

prototype of a function that uses this typedef

void SetSomething(USR_tu_Para para);

The question is: how can I call the SetSomething-function with a constant parameter.


This call creates a compiler error: #167: argument of type "int" is incompatible with parameter of type "USR_tu_Para"

I tried to cast the parameter witch (USR_tu_Para) or (USR_tu_Para.iInt16). But the compiler denied everything I tried.

Any ideas?

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