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Debugging issue with ULINKPro

I am using a ULINKPro on a MCB1700 (LPC1768) dev board. I am having an issue where when I setup and run in debug mode, the code will break where I set a break point but when I press F10 to just jump over a line or press F5 to go to the next break point, the system just hangs and dosnt hit any more break points untill I reset an run again. This is very frustrating! Anyone have this issue before? I have tried just about every setting in the debugger setup. Here are my settings:

ULINK pro Cortex Debugger
Load app on startup, run to main, no init file.
V1.50 firmware
SWJ, Port:SW MaxClock 1MHz
Connect: Normal Reset: Autodetect
Reset after connect
Cache Code
Cache Memory
Verify Code Download

Trace disabled

Flash download:
Erase Full Chip, Program, Verify
Start = 0x10000000 Size = 0x0800
LPC17xx IAP 512kB flash

Any ideas?

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