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access violation at 0x40000004

i am looking for a solution that uVision4 accept to access memory location 0x40000004. I have set the R/W base to 0x40000000 in the Linker tab of a project properties and also set the IRAM size to 0xFFFF but when I try to simulate the following code, the simulator says:

"*** error 65: access violation at 0x40000004 : no 'write' permission"

ARM7 Little Endian is choose as device

the code is :

    MOV     R0, #0x04
    LDR     R1, =0x40000004
    STR     R0, [R1]               ; this line is not working in simulator
l1  B       l1

The code has no warning or error

Does anybody know what I should do to tell the simulator that 0x40000004 is a part of RAM ?

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