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intel hex file format change?

what has changed in the basic hex file output format moving from uvision 2 to uvision3 and 4?

i have several hex files from examples from keil and analog for my part and they work fine if i try to program the part, but now i open up uvision 4 and start a new program to do nothing but toggle one gpio and it doesnt work.

with nothing else in the program but toggling one io, it doesnt work. it all works in the simulator just fine but not in the part anymore.

so before the hex files worked fine and i could compile and write a blinky style program into my part and all was well, now it compiles and simulates fine but doesnt work.

are there some retarded hidden compiler options im missing, or what, all i know is when i write a program to toggle just this one io that was compiled in uvision 2 its fine and compiled in uvision4 it doesnt do anything.

  • Charles;

    You have given no useful information about your problem. If the code is as simple as you suggest, then show the code, tell us what device you are using, what versions of the tools that you are using.
    Also, tell us what steps you have taken to identify the problem.
    My lease on my crystal ball has expired.

  • Charles;

    You have given no useful information about your problem. If the code is as simple as you suggest, then show the code, tell us what device you are using, what versions of the tools that you are using.
    Also, tell us what steps you have taken to identify the problem.
    My lease on my crystal ball has expired.

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