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Typedef union problem

Hello! I have a typedef union and variable:

typedef union int2char{unsigned char high_byte;
                       unsigned char low_byte;
                       unsigned int  int_byte;
                      } int2char;

int2char dac_value;

When i assign

dac_value.int_byte = 0xAAAA;

i have

dac_value.int_byte = 0xAAAA;
dac_value.low_byte = 0xAA;
dac_value.high_byte = 0xAA;

but when i assign,example,0xFF05

dac_value .int_byte = 0xFF05;
dac_value.low_byte =0xFF;
dac_value.high_byte = 0xFF;

same results are obtained when i assign,example,0x1005

dac_value .int_byte = 0x1005;
dac_value.low_byte =0x10;
dac_value.high_byte = 0x10;

I can not understand where the error and why??
thanks for the help!.

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