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Communication functions with GPRS/3G modem

Recently, we have a project using Cortex-M3 processor to develop telematics functions,such as Phone,SMS,Using GPRS,etc. All of this functions we using UART port to connect with modem. Under WINCE platform we have finished these functions already,but with M3,we have lots of questions that because we using this platform very few.If you have any suggestion\solutions ,please tell me! Thanks a lot.
1: Can we using TCP/IP stacks such as wince with this platform?if not, how about LWIP means?
2: I have found some samples about net connect with M3 by using Ethernet card, how about PPPOE,share we using this types?

if we need to finished the function such as wince RIL, How do I?

  • Do you mean "Windows-CE" ?

    If you do mean Windows-CE, then "TCP/IP stacks such as wince" does not make sense!

    Anyhow, you can't run Windows-CE on a Cortex-M3.

    Nowadays, most GPRS modems have a built-in TCP/IP stack - have you thought about that?

    Yes, there are many ports of LwIP to various Cortex-M3 microcontrollers - just google the one(s) you have in mind!

    Most Cortex-M3 manufacturers will have a list of "supported" 3rd-party support like TCP/IP stacks.

    "I have found some samples about net connect with M3 by using Ethernet card"

    The TCP and IP parts will be the same; just the "bearer" part will differ.
    That's the beauty of a layered architecure...

  • Do you mean "Windows-CE" ?

    If you do mean Windows-CE, then "TCP/IP stacks such as wince" does not make sense!

    Anyhow, you can't run Windows-CE on a Cortex-M3.

    Nowadays, most GPRS modems have a built-in TCP/IP stack - have you thought about that?

    Yes, there are many ports of LwIP to various Cortex-M3 microcontrollers - just google the one(s) you have in mind!

    Most Cortex-M3 manufacturers will have a list of "supported" 3rd-party support like TCP/IP stacks.

    "I have found some samples about net connect with M3 by using Ethernet card"

    The TCP and IP parts will be the same; just the "bearer" part will differ.
    That's the beauty of a layered architecure...
