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Double and float values

Does using a double or float value for the MCB1700 board cause severe inefficiency? I would like to use two or three double values for precise calculations of values. Will this cause a problem or will the board run fine?

  • Does using a double or float value for the MCB1700 board cause severe inefficiency?

    It's impossible to tell unless you specify what "severe inefficiency" means, preferably with numbers.
    My suggestion is to set aside the concerns about inefficiency. Just run your program. If it ends up too slow, start thinking about optimization. Remember, 'Premature optimization is the root of all evil."

  • Does using a double or float value for the MCB1700 board cause severe inefficiency?

    It's impossible to tell unless you specify what "severe inefficiency" means, preferably with numbers.
    My suggestion is to set aside the concerns about inefficiency. Just run your program. If it ends up too slow, start thinking about optimization. Remember, 'Premature optimization is the root of all evil."

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