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RL_ARM MMC--->SPI Problem

Hello, All
I am using rl-arm , have problem when using mmc in RTX-OS in a task .
when i debuge with j-link i see MMC task was be in hard loop in SPI_SAM7X.c in below line

static BOOL SendBuf (U8 *buf, U32 sz) { /* Send buffer to SPI interface. */ U32 i;

for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { AT91C_BASE_SPI0->SPI_TDR = buf[i]; /* Wait if Tx FIFO is full. */ while (!(AT91C_BASE_SPI0->SPI_SR & AT91C_SPI_TDRE)); AT91C_BASE_SPI0->SPI_RDR; }
hard loop-----> while (!(AT91C_BASE_SPI0->SPI_SR & AT91C_SPI_RDRF));//os_tsk_pass(); AT91C_BASE_SPI0->SPI_RDR; return (__TRUE);
} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

and task program is in below:

__task void phaseB (void) {
char count,errorflag;
count = 3;
while (finit(NULL) != 0) { os_dly_wait(2); if (!(count--)) { errorflag = 1; break;

} if (errorflag==1)debug_send("MMC Error\n");
debug_send("MMC Task\n");



Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
King regard

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