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ROM test

I am trying to validate the flash during a self test using a CRC check. Most parts are in place, but one issue remains. How do I find the end of the flash (i.e. the amount of flash to be checked)?

  • Hi Pontus,

    I'm trying to do the same for the internal ROM on an LPC2292.
    My idea is to run an int- pointer from a start-adress (0x000) to the end of the internal ROM and calculate a crc32 for each int-value.
    I place the expected value at a certain adress (extern unsigned int const flash_crc32 __attribute__ ((at(CRC_FLASH_POSITION))) = CRC_FLASH;)
    and skipp this value when calculating.
    Still, I get a different crc every time I change the expected value ....

    I would be interested in your approach how to do that ...


  • Hi Pontus,

    I'm trying to do the same for the internal ROM on an LPC2292.
    My idea is to run an int- pointer from a start-adress (0x000) to the end of the internal ROM and calculate a crc32 for each int-value.
    I place the expected value at a certain adress (extern unsigned int const flash_crc32 __attribute__ ((at(CRC_FLASH_POSITION))) = CRC_FLASH;)
    and skipp this value when calculating.
    Still, I get a different crc every time I change the expected value ....

    I would be interested in your approach how to do that ...

