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store data in C lang..

Hi everyone,

I've some problem storing the data in register on C lang. My SBUF was stored with some data and i want to view what data was inside. I want to store my SBUF value into R0 but i not sure how to write the code in C lang.

I know that in asembly lang, it was MOV R0, #01H<<<<<example

Can anyone help me on this? Thanks alot

  • "My SBUF was stored with some data"

    No, you cannot "store" data in SBUF!

    When you write to SBUF, you are feeding the UART's transmit buffer;
    When you read from SBUF, you are fetching from the UART's receive buffer;

    So you cannot read-back the data that you wrote to SBUF!

    This is fundamental to the operation of the 8051 hardware - it has nothing specifically to do with 'C', Assembly, or any other programming language.

  • "My SBUF was stored with some data"

    No, you cannot "store" data in SBUF!

    When you write to SBUF, you are feeding the UART's transmit buffer;
    When you read from SBUF, you are fetching from the UART's receive buffer;

    So you cannot read-back the data that you wrote to SBUF!

    This is fundamental to the operation of the 8051 hardware - it has nothing specifically to do with 'C', Assembly, or any other programming language.

No data