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gsm interfacing with 8051

I am interfacing GSM modem with 8051 mc.
I am able to send message from gsm modem by giving command through microcontroller.
but i am not able to read message from gsm modem and cannot display it on LCD.
I donot want to use computer in between.
Please help me.

  • OK, so you've worked out how to use CAPS LOCK properly:

    Now you need to actually supply some useful information to enable people to help!

    "I am able to send message from gsm modem by giving command through microcontroller"

    So you must be able to send AT Commands to the modem, and receive & interpret the response?

    "i am not able to read message from gsm modem"

    Why not? What is preventing you?

    As already noted, that's like saying, "my car doesn't work - what's wrong with it?"

    "and cannot display it on LCD"

    That is an entirely separate issue!

    "I donot want to use computer in between"

    What do you mean by that?

    Note that using a GSM modem - or any other modem - with a microcontroller is a very common project indeed. There are very many examples on the web - have you searched...?

  • OK, so you've worked out how to use CAPS LOCK properly:

    Now you need to actually supply some useful information to enable people to help!

    "I am able to send message from gsm modem by giving command through microcontroller"

    So you must be able to send AT Commands to the modem, and receive & interpret the response?

    "i am not able to read message from gsm modem"

    Why not? What is preventing you?

    As already noted, that's like saying, "my car doesn't work - what's wrong with it?"

    "and cannot display it on LCD"

    That is an entirely separate issue!

    "I donot want to use computer in between"

    What do you mean by that?

    Note that using a GSM modem - or any other modem - with a microcontroller is a very common project indeed. There are very many examples on the web - have you searched...?
