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JTAG communication problem with MCBSTR9

I've started working with a fresh MCBSTR9 Board. I'm using ULINK2 for programming/debugging the board. I've tried to download the Blinky example but got failure message.I've tried more than one times. Sometimes, I get JTAG link failure message or sometimes I get, "Too many JTAG devices". I really don't understand, what might be the problem. I've done all flash programming settings in uVision properly. There doesn't seem any problem.
One more thing which I've observed is, when the board is not powered using USB cable, and only ULINK2 is connected to USB port (The USB LED on the ULINK2 glows red), it is recognized in uVision3 (in Options for 'STR910 Flash'-Debug-ULINK Debugger Settings); but when I power on the MCBSTR9 board using USB cable, the JTAG communication fails and the ULINK2 device is not seen in 'STR910 Flash'-Debug-ULINK Debugger Settings.
I've tried but it doesn't work. When I power on MCBSTR9 board, the LCD display shows "RL-ARM HTTP demo \n". I feel there is already some program residing in the device which runs at power on.

  • The MCBSTR9 user's guide mentions about jumper J9-JTAG jumper. But, I could not find it on the board. Further, "Configuring the MCBSTR9" section of the user's guide does not mention about J9. This is confusing.

  • The MCBSTR9 user's guide mentions about jumper J9-JTAG jumper. But, I could not find it on the board. Further, "Configuring the MCBSTR9" section of the user's guide does not mention about J9. This is confusing.

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