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calculating inl and dnl

I am doing adc characterization and want to find the inl and dnl of the adc can anybody tell me the formula to do so or give the link where i can get that...i have the tabulation of the analog input and the digital output
using both the available data how can i calculate the inl and dnl of the adc.....

  • so can anybody tell me the formula to do so or give the link where i can get that

    Hmmm... so you don't know what those things are, but you want to calculate them. Interesting.

    That sounds way too much like someone who skipped class and now wants others to do their homework for them. Well guess what: it's your homework, so you do it.

  • so can anybody tell me the formula to do so or give the link where i can get that

    Hmmm... so you don't know what those things are, but you want to calculate them. Interesting.

    That sounds way too much like someone who skipped class and now wants others to do their homework for them. Well guess what: it's your homework, so you do it.
