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Nested Interrupts

Hello everybody,
I'm using LPC2148 ARM7, programming with uVision3.

Now, I need nesting Interrupts. Following lines were used:

                AREA    NESTED_IRQ, CODE, READONLY

                                EXPORT  nested_irq_enable
                                EXPORT  nested_irq_disable

nested_irq_enable                       ; Nested Interrupts Entry:

                                MRS             LR, SPSR
                                STMFD   SP!, {LR}
                                MSR             CPSR_c, #0x1F
                                STMFD   SP!, {LR}

nested_irq_disable                      ; Nested Interrupts Exit:

                                ldmfd   sp!, {lr}
                                msr             cpsr_c, #0x92
                                ldmfd   sp!, {lr}
                                msr             spsr_cxsf, lr



Now, my Controller runs always in Prefetch Abort Handler. Does anybody know this problem?
Or does anybody see what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks for all Replys, Adrian

  • I never tested this code:

    void __asm enable_nested_interrupts(void)
        MOV     R0, LR
        MRS     LR, SPSR                ; Copy SPSR_irq to LR
        PUSH    {LR}                    ; Save SPSR_irq
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0x1F           ; Enable IRQ (Sys Mode)
        PUSH    {LR}                    ; Save LR
        MOV     LR, R0
        BX LR
    void __asm disable_nested_interrupts(void)
        MOV     R0, LR
        POP     {LR}                    ; Restore LR
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0x92           ; Disable IRQ (IRQ Mode)
        POP     {LR}                    ; Restore SPSR_irq to LR
        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, LR           ; Copy LR to SPSR_irq
        MOV     LR, R0
        BX LR

  • I never tested this code:

    void __asm enable_nested_interrupts(void)
        MOV     R0, LR
        MRS     LR, SPSR                ; Copy SPSR_irq to LR
        PUSH    {LR}                    ; Save SPSR_irq
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0x1F           ; Enable IRQ (Sys Mode)
        PUSH    {LR}                    ; Save LR
        MOV     LR, R0
        BX LR
    void __asm disable_nested_interrupts(void)
        MOV     R0, LR
        POP     {LR}                    ; Restore LR
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0x92           ; Disable IRQ (IRQ Mode)
        POP     {LR}                    ; Restore SPSR_irq to LR
        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, LR           ; Copy LR to SPSR_irq
        MOV     LR, R0
        BX LR
