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I am using ARM7TDMI on lpc2378 ic of phillips. Can anyone please tell me how to program the kit. Is JTAG necessary for burning a code on the kit? Can i use Kiel to compile the code?

  • "Is JTAG necessary for burning a code on the kit?"

    The documentation for the "kit" will tell you that.

    "Can i use Kiel to compile the code?"

    Keil's list of supported devices will tell you if Keil supports it.

    Whether or not you are able to use it is another question entirely...

  • "Is JTAG necessary for burning a code on the kit?"

    The documentation for the "kit" will tell you that.

    "Can i use Kiel to compile the code?"

    Keil's list of supported devices will tell you if Keil supports it.

    Whether or not you are able to use it is another question entirely...
