I have to program 89c51 IC in assembly
How to write the program
from where to start the addressing
Since am using the IC for first time,can I get programs for ADC-DAC interfacing
One way to start is to look at disassembled code. You can write inline assembly after the C code starts. That way the stack is already initialized.
Hmmm... machine-generated code (of any kind) is not usually a great style-guide for writing your own, human-readable code...
here are the links to "the bible" Chapter 1 - 80C51 Family Architecture: www.nxp.com/.../80C51_FAM_ARCH_1.pdf Chapter 2 - 80C51 Family Programmer's Guide and Instruction Set: www.nxp.com/.../80C51_FAM_PROG_GUIDE_1.pdf Chapter 3 - 80C51 Family Hardware Description: www.nxp.com/.../80C51_FAM_HARDWARE_1.pdf
Thanks erik...:)
Disassembled C code may not be readable to some but it's what works. As to style issues - take that up with the compiler designers.
Hi, Is it possible to generate Biphasic square pulse from microcontroller. If yes then how??..and what will be its coding like...