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http_demo cgi_process_data problem


1-Actually, Im using the http_demo project to control the mcb2300 through some web pages. But Im wondering why the LCD or the LED pages don't work. I can't make the leds blink.
After some debugging, I found out that the program does'nt step into the "do{}...while(dat)" of the cgi function cgi_process_data and I don't no why.

Can someone help me on this matter?

In order to compile the http_demo project, I had to modifiy the function cgi_process_data: Instead of 3 arguments, it takes only 2 arguments according to the function declaration in config.h; I removed the part that depends on the removed argument "code":

void cgi_process_data (U8 *dat, U16 len) {
   /* This function is called by HTTP server to process the returned Data    */
   /* for the CGI Form POST method. It is called on SUBMIT from the browser. */
   U8 passw[12],retyped[12];
   U8 *var,stpassw;

   P2 = 0;
   LEDrun = __TRUE;
   if (len == 0) {
      /* No data or all items (radio, checkbox) are off. */
      LED_out (P2);
   stpassw = 0;
   var = (U8 *)alloc_mem (40);
   do {
      /* Parse all returned parameters. */
      dat = http_get_var (dat, var, 40);
          PutHexUart0(var, 40);
      if (var[0] != 0) {
         /* Parameter found, returned string is non 0-length. */
         if (str_scomp (var, "led0=on") == __TRUE) {
            P2 |= 0x01;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "led1=on") == __TRUE) {
            P2 |= 0x02;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "led2=on") == __TRUE) {
            P2 |= 0x04;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "led3=on") == __TRUE) {
            P2 |= 0x08;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "led4=on") == __TRUE) {
            P2 |= 0x10;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "led5=on") == __TRUE) {
            P2 |= 0x20;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "led6=on") == __TRUE) {
            P2 |= 0x40;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "led7=on") == __TRUE) {
            P2 |= 0x80;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "ctrl=Browser") == __TRUE) {
            LEDrun = __FALSE;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "pw=") == __TRUE) {
            /* Change password. */
            str_copy (passw, var+3);
            stpassw |= 1;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "pw2=") == __TRUE) {
            /* Retyped password. */
            str_copy (retyped, var+4);
            stpassw |= 2;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "lcd1=") == __TRUE) {
            /* LCD Module Line 1 text. */
            str_copy (lcd_text[0], var+5);
            LCDupdate = __TRUE;
         else if (str_scomp (var, "lcd2=") == __TRUE) {
            /* LCD Module Line 2 text. */
            str_copy (lcd_text[1], var+5);
            LCDupdate = __TRUE;
   }while (dat);
   free_mem ((OS_FRAME *)var);
   LED_out (P2);

   if (stpassw == 0x03) {
      len = strlen ((const S8 *)passw);
      if (mem_comp (passw, retyped, len) == __TRUE) {
         /* OK, both entered passwords the same, change it. */
         str_copy (http_auth_passw, passw);

the lcd_cgi and led_cgi are unmodified.
Any Idea?

2-How can I execute some c instructions by clicking on some html buttons put on a page??
Here a page example:

const U8 commands_cgi[] = {
   "t <html><head><title>Button inputs</title>\r\n"
   "t <script language=JavaScript type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"xml_http.js\"></script>\r\n"
   "t <script language=JavaScript type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n"
   "# Define URL and refresh timeout\r\n"
   "t var formUpdate = new periodicObj(\"buttons.cgx\", 300);\r\n"
   "t function periodicUpdate(f, indx) {\r\n"
   "t f.cmd.value=indx; \r\n"
   "t f.submit(); \r\n"
   "t }\r\n"
   "t </script></head>\r\n"
   "t <form action=\"commands.cgi\" method=\"post\" id=\"form1\" name=\"form1\">\r\n"
   "t <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" vAlign=\"center\" width=99%><font size=\"3\">\r\n"
   "t <tr bgcolor=#aaccff>\r\n"
   "t  <th width=60%>900 Commands</th>\r\n"
   "t </tr>\r\n"
   "t <tr>\r\n"
   "t      <td height = \"40\">\r\n"
   "t      </td>\r\n"
   "t </tr>\r\n"
   "t <tr>\r\n"
   "t <tr><td align=\"left\">\r\n"
   "c g 0 <input type=text name=cmd value=\"0\" size=2 maxlength=6 >\r\n"
   "t <br /><br /></td></tr>\r\n"
   "t <tr>\r\n"
   "t  <td align=\"left\" width = 30%>\r\n"

   "c g 1        <input id=\"Button1\" type=\"button\" value=\"Move to Front\" onclick=\"submit()\">Â Â Â \r\n"
   "c g 2         <input id=\"Button2\" type=\"button\" value=\"Move to Rear\" onclick=\"periodicUpdate(this.form, 2)\">Â Â \r\n"
   "c g 3         <input id=\"Button3\" type=\"button\" value=\"Move to Printer\" onclick=\"periodicUpdate(this.form, 3)\"\">Â \r\n"
   "c g 4         <input id=\"Button4\" type=\"button\" value=\"Move to Reader\" onclick=\"periodicUpdate(this.form, 4)\"\">Â \r\n"
   "c g 5         <input id=\"Button5\" type=\"button\" value=\"Move to Feeder\" onclick=\"periodicUpdate(this.form, 5)\"\">\r\n"
   "t  </td>\r\n"
   "t </tr>\r\n"
   "t </font></table>\r\n"
   "t </form>\r\n"
   ". End of script must be closed with period.\r\n"

Thanks for your help!
Thanks in advance

  • Not sure why you had to modify the demo to remove the argument "code". I just compiled the MCB2300 http_demo with the latest release and it requires the code argument to be there? So I expect by removing code you moved the argument list and so len is always equal to 0?

    I am also confused about the file "config.h" it doesn't seem to exist in the demo. Do you mean "net_config.h"?

    If so I think you may have a incompatibility between the demo your compiling and the Keil version you are using.


  • Not sure why you had to modify the demo to remove the argument "code". I just compiled the MCB2300 http_demo with the latest release and it requires the code argument to be there? So I expect by removing code you moved the argument list and so len is always equal to 0?

    I am also confused about the file "config.h" it doesn't seem to exist in the demo. Do you mean "net_config.h"?

    If so I think you may have a incompatibility between the demo your compiling and the Keil version you are using.

