I'am working with at91sam7x256 and in my program the usart interrupt dosen't work correctly ! I communicatinon with atmel but it isn't fix yet.
thise is my program...pleas help me
my mail :salehi.elc@gmail.com
So post the smallest, complete example that illustrates your problem.
Just a simple example that sends & receives characters using the UART and interrupts.
ok...my program is so simple example of it..this program must return any caractere of receive. it is very simple . thank you very much.
they are the links for download it:
and one thing i should say about my program is that: i want my program send every bit that receive suddenly.
and since speed of it, i used usart interrupt to do it very quickly.
i want my program send every bit that receive suddenly.
You may have read the user manual, but you failed to understand it. Your UART will generate an RX interrupt after receiving a word of various sizes and possibly a variable amount of these words, but not after detecting a bit. Why would you want that in a UART?
Sorry, but I don't trust those "file sharing" sites, I'm afraid.
You should be able to Post the source of a simple program into the forum.
Be sure to read the instructions on posting code first...
One thing to note: do not use TABs to lay-out your code - use only spaces.
ok..if you really can't terust me..I wirte all of my program in end if this page!!!