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The difference between CAN Controllers of LPC2119 and those of LPC2129

Dear colleagues,

I am making several CAN applications on LPC2119 and LPC2129 chips. All these applications including Keil example program, BlinkyCAN, work fine on LPC2129. None of them work on LPC2119, not even the example program.

I check with oscilloscope at the point between the CANTx and CANRx pin of LPC2119 and the CAN transceiver, no waveform is detected at all while CAN program is running and supposed to continuously transmit CAN messages out.

On LPC2129, CAN messages are transmitted successfully, and waveform is detected by oscilloscope at the point mentioned above.

Does LPC2119 require a different CAN initialisation routine? Or there is a hardware bug hidden in the LPC2119 CAN controller? (I encountered the same problem with all my 5 LPC2119 chips!)


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