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Flash timeout

When I flash my STR9, I receive the message box: " Flash Timeout. Reset the Target and try it again " and after this message, another one: " Flash Donwload failed - ARM9E "

I tried to flash my STR9 with the same project on 3 different computers, for two it is working but for one of them I get the messages written above.

Any suggestions ?
In advance thank you !

  • Hello, 
    I have the same problem with Keil and I received Flash timeout. Reset the Target and try it again.
    The problem was flash memory protection. you can solve it by installing the STM32Cube Programmeur and then connect an go to OB "option byte" the write-protect and put it to AA then the problem ill be solved 

  • Hello, 
    I have the same problem with Keil and I received Flash timeout. Reset the Target and try it again.
    The problem was flash memory protection. you can solve it by installing the STM32Cube Programmeur and then connect an go to OB "option byte" the write-protect and put it to AA then the problem ill be solved 

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