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Two codes in Flash

Hi Everybody

I have 2 codes:
for example, First code :0x0000-0x1fff
second code : 0x3000 - 0x7fff

I want to learn " how can I run these codes together"

can anybody help me or suggest any source?

  • There are no simple answer to that question. Especially since the question is a bit lacking.

    Is your question just how to program a chip with multiple blocks of data? Or is the question how two applications can coexist and cooperate?

    Is the first code block a boot loader, and the combination of the two blocks?

    Are they completely stand-alone so there are no accesses from one binary into the other, with the exception of the boot loader jumping to a pre-defined startup point (lowest address?) of the application?

    What logic have you decided on for the boot loader to figure out if there is an application loaded? Of would the boot loader do if there isn't a valid application? What would it do if there is a valid application, but you want to replace the application with a newer?

  • There are no simple answer to that question. Especially since the question is a bit lacking.

    Is your question just how to program a chip with multiple blocks of data? Or is the question how two applications can coexist and cooperate?

    Is the first code block a boot loader, and the combination of the two blocks?

    Are they completely stand-alone so there are no accesses from one binary into the other, with the exception of the boot loader jumping to a pre-defined startup point (lowest address?) of the application?

    What logic have you decided on for the boot loader to figure out if there is an application loaded? Of would the boot loader do if there isn't a valid application? What would it do if there is a valid application, but you want to replace the application with a newer?
