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Programmsize restriction within codeblock

are there any restrictions of codesize within a codeblock?

For examle the first code doesn't work:

if ( value ){
        .       many Codelines

If i shorten the code above, then it works. i couldn't find out the border to the codesize within the block.

But this Code works correct:

if ( value ){

void myfunction (void){
        .       many Codelines

In both cases i don't get any error-messages from the compiler, while compiling.

Thanks for help
Christian Tauschek

  • If i shorten the code above, then it works. i couldn't find out the border to the codesize within the block.

    The code doesn't work the way you expect it to? That's nothing new. Before blaming the compiler, you should search for bugs in your code. Timing-related bugs, interaction with interrupts (shared resources), even the simplest things like an unserviced watchdog timer can crash a program.

  • If i shorten the code above, then it works. i couldn't find out the border to the codesize within the block.

    The code doesn't work the way you expect it to? That's nothing new. Before blaming the compiler, you should search for bugs in your code. Timing-related bugs, interaction with interrupts (shared resources), even the simplest things like an unserviced watchdog timer can crash a program.
