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Can we absolutely assign bit variable to Ex. 0x2A.5 of internal RAM ?

As we know: "128 bit variables occupy the 16 bytes of Internal RAM from 20h through 2Fh"

I was taught to use bit variables like below:

UINT8 bdata var2A       _at_ 0x2A;
sbit            bvar0= var2A^0;
sbit            bvar1= var2A^1;
sbit            bvar2= var2A^2;
sbit            bvar3= var2A^3;
sbit            bvar4= var2A^4;

But after compile/link the DATA MEMORY is:

DATA    002AH     0001H     ABSOLUTE
BIT     002BH.0   0000H.3   UNIT         _BIT_GROUP_
        002BH.3   0000H.5                *** GAP ***

Obviously 8-bit space at 0x2Ah is occupied even I declare only 5 bit variables. Thus _BIT_GROUP_(3-bit length) is placed from 0x2B...

My question is:

1. Can I assign other bit variables to 0x2A.5 ~ 0x2A.7 ?
2. Can I assign _BIT_GROUP(3-bit) to 0x2A.5~0x2A.7 ?

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