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Access violation at 0x1000000

Sorry to trouble you guys again, I have encounter this error Access violation at 0x1000000 whenever i run the program in dscope.

my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <reg515.h>

int count = 1;



  • is it because i dont have the configuration file? like DSCOPE.ini file? because i check the examples file, all have DSCOPE.ini configuration file then can run. If that is, how do i create DSCOPE.ini configuration file?

    thanks alot!

  • is it because i dont have the configuration file? like DSCOPE.ini file? because i check the examples file, all have DSCOPE.ini configuration file then can run. If that is, how do i create DSCOPE.ini configuration file?

    thanks alot!
