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Keil's Simulation is right or wrong?

The MCU I used is SM8958A,which has 1K bytes on-chip RAM, 256 bytes of it are the same as general 8052 internal memory structure while the expanded 768 bytes on-chip RAM can be accessed by external memory addressing method (by instruction MOVX).The SCONF and RCON should be setting when the expanded 768 bytes on-chip RAM is used.The meaning of RCON is below:

SM8958A has 768 byte on-chip RAM which can be accessed by external memory addressing method only. (By instruction MOVX). The address space of instruction MOVX @Rn is determined by bit 1 and bit 0 (RAMS1, RAMS0) of RCON. The default setting of RAMS1, RAMS0 bits is 00 (page0).

RAMS1 RAMS0  MOVX @Ri i=0,1 mapping to expended RAM address

 0     0            $0000 ~ $00FF
 0     1            $0100 ~ $01FF
 1     0            $0200 ~ $02FF

Now I write the code below:

unsigned long pdata a;
unsigned long xdata b;
SCONF |= 0x02;  //enable the 768 Ram
RCON |= 0x01;  //$0100 ~ $01FF

When I press F5, I find the position of 'a' in the memory is X:0x0001A4,and the auto disassemble instruction is mov r0, #0xA4, however,the position of 'b' in the memory is X:0x0002BF,and the auto disassemble instruction is movx DPTR,#02BF.

Finally, the program where used 'a' runs wrong,but the program where used 'b' runs right.

But when I program the HEX file into the MCU, let it run in the hardware , the program runs ok.

So, I'm very puzzled: Keil's Debug is right or wrong?

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