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USB HID Report size

Hi. I'm working with LPC 2368 controller and need to write USB HID application. I'm using Keil's example as base and I need to change it to send more bytes from device to PC at once. I've changed the example next way:


    HID_Input(HID_Data | HID_Variable | HID_Absolute),


void USB_EndPoint1 (DWORD event) {
  switch (event) {
    case USB_EVT_IN:
        USB_WriteEP(0x81, InReport3, USB_SIZE);

So the USB_SIZE is showing amout of bytes send to PC at once. And here is my problem: when USB_SIZE<=4 all works fine. When USB_SIZE>4 - PC receives nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Or somebody know how to do it correctly?

  • I don't think that your account is blocked by a spam filter.

    Your problem sounds exactly the same as one of the problems that are affecting just about everyone right now. It has happened to me several times/day for quite a number of days now. I don't get a 'Post' button. But at a later time, the same text is possible to post. The problem is that the forum software, or the load-balancing components, are not working as expected right now, and Keil are working with the problem.

    Failing to get a 'Post' button is one symptom. Being able to post, but getting an empty post with just the subject line is another common problem.

    We hate it, but it is an unintentional problem, and I really hope that Keil will find out what is wrong. No need to feeling personally affected by this.

  • I don't think that your account is blocked by a spam filter.

    Your problem sounds exactly the same as one of the problems that are affecting just about everyone right now. It has happened to me several times/day for quite a number of days now. I don't get a 'Post' button. But at a later time, the same text is possible to post. The problem is that the forum software, or the load-balancing components, are not working as expected right now, and Keil are working with the problem.

    Failing to get a 'Post' button is one symptom. Being able to post, but getting an empty post with just the subject line is another common problem.

    We hate it, but it is an unintentional problem, and I really hope that Keil will find out what is wrong. No need to feeling personally affected by this.

No data