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I need to send more data on lpc214 (USBHID Class). give me for example. How HIDclass can send more data?
I need up to 5 Mbps

  • I originally thought your question was how to create larger packets (something that has been discussed in earlier threads on this forum and should be possible to search for), but then you start to talk about number of bytes/second. USB can only transfer using predefined speed classes (baudrates), and then it is up to the programmer to decide how much of the available bandwidth of a speed class to actually use.

  • I originally thought your question was how to create larger packets (something that has been discussed in earlier threads on this forum and should be possible to search for), but then you start to talk about number of bytes/second. USB can only transfer using predefined speed classes (baudrates), and then it is up to the programmer to decide how much of the available bandwidth of a speed class to actually use.

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