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FlashFS: SD Card external formatting and editing problems

I'm using Realview 3.11, RL-ARM 3.10 and a LPC2129. Ican normally format, read, write and append files inside my system, but I found some problems trying to work with the SD Card files in the computer.

First I formatted my SD Card (128MB) using fformat() and create a file using fopen(). The following problems ocurred when I tried to edit the file in the computer

- If I delete a file the file remains listed, but now it's corrupted.

- If I edit a file using e.g. Notepad, the file size is not altered, which means that nothing I append to the end of the file will be considered and if I add something in the middle, it cuts the number of characters added in the end of the file.

After I formatted the SD Card in Windows, selecting FAT format. It worked fine in my system, except that fcheck() return an error, but you can normally open and edit files in both systems

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