I'm able to send AT commands to GSM modem,
but i am not able interface my 8051 to GSM model.
can i get sample inerfacing code for 8051 micro controller.
If you people are uncomfortable with the writing then I will try to improve it now. I am new to the field of microcontrollers and I am reading it from the book of Scott Mcknzie. So,I will not be needing NAND operation.Instead I can use the two UART of 8051. Can anybody suggest me the algorithm of the program.What I have thought is that first of all microcontroller will take a string from gps reciever and pick the string of lattitude and longitude.After that the microcontroller will send the AT commands to the GSM modem to send the lattitude and longitude as a sms.
It seems like you already have the algorithm.
The only think that remains is the startup - to initialize the processor (I/O pins, serial ports, baudrate, interrupt handlers, time keeping...).
Yes,This is the idea which I have in my mind.But as I have told you that I am new to programming so I am facing alot of difficulty.If anybody can provide me a good keil tutorial other than available on this website or a good guideline so that I can continue my work.
HI Abbas,
Instead of trying to learn the architeture of 8051 mc. I would suggest you to try http://www.oopic.com. They have their own compiler and it is very easy to interface,
Best of Luck
"Instead of trying to learn the architeture of 8051 mc. I would suggest you to try ">http://www.oopic.com."
So then you'd just have to learn the architecture of the PIC, and all about this proprietary OO framework that they've built upon it!
And you'd still need exactly the same understanding of GSM modems!
Whatever you take, you need to understand it before you can use it!