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Infinite Loop

I am using the following code to blink a LED 10 times and then stop. But it goes on blinking even after 10 counts. please let me know where i have gone wrong in the code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <chipcon/hal.h>
#include <chipcon/cc1010eb.h>

#define Wait_Time 200

void main()
	int a=0;

	// Set Port 1 Bit 2 as O/P
	halSetPortBitDir(1, 2, POUT);

	// Initialise Counter
	while(a!=10) {
	// Wait period between blinks
	halWait(Wait_Time, CC1010EB_CLKFREQ);
	//Toggle LED
	halSetPortBit(1, 2, FALSE);
} //main

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