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char to unsigned int

Hi all

Here is some code

char prev_ch;
unsigned int chksum_read;

chksum_read += (WORD)prev_ch*256;
chksum_read += (unsigned int)prev_ch<<8;

if prev_ch has a value of 0xDB after one of of the two above statments cheksum_read is 0xDA00 instead of 0xDB00. Can anyone explain where I am going wrong?

  • What is your definition of WORD?

    As I've said many times before, WORD (and, hence, things like DWORD, etc) is a poor type name because it tells you neither its size nor its signed-ness.
    It would be far better to choose a name that explicitly shows both.

    I use:
    U32 - Unsigned 32 bits
    S32 - Signed 32 bits
    U16 - Unsigned 16 bits
    S16 - Signed 16 bits

  • What is your definition of WORD?

    As I've said many times before, WORD (and, hence, things like DWORD, etc) is a poor type name because it tells you neither its size nor its signed-ness.
    It would be far better to choose a name that explicitly shows both.

    I use:
    U32 - Unsigned 32 bits
    S32 - Signed 32 bits
    U16 - Unsigned 16 bits
    S16 - Signed 16 bits

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