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(Re)Organising a Project

It seems that the order of the files within a Group, and the order of the Groups within a Target matters to uVision: the build process always examines the files in order as they appear within the Group, and the Groups in order as they appear within the Target.

So, If I need to add file(s) and/or Group(s), how do I get them into the right order?

Similarly, how can I re-order files and/or Groups if this becomes necessary?

I'm using uVision v2.23.

  • For files, you can simply drap and drop then wherever you want. To move a file from one group into another group, simply drag it and drop it.

    For groups, you must modify the UV2 file directly with an editor like notepad. The format of this file is pretty obvious once you start looking at it. Be careful that you re-associate the files and options with the correct group.


  • For files, you can simply drap and drop then wherever you want. To move a file from one group into another group, simply drag it and drop it.

    For groups, you must modify the UV2 file directly with an editor like notepad. The format of this file is pretty obvious once you start looking at it. Be careful that you re-associate the files and options with the correct group.

