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problem with asm and endasm

Hi I am new user of 8051 micro controller and keil vision2. I have problem with asm and endasm. I tried the example code for asm/endasm also. But it is giving EMBEDDED_C\ASSEMBLY\ADD.C(8): error C272: 'asm/endasm' requires src-control to be active for

#include <reg51.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)
  #pragma asm
	MOV R0,#07h;
	MOV R1,#01h;
	MOV A,R0;

	MOV A,9000h;
#pragma endasm



Please help me how to use asm/endasm properly.

  • Go to the C51 Manual and read the descriptions of ASM and ENDASM - they tell you precisely what to do.

    Be sure to fully read the whole description.

    Also, do a search here for ENDASM - inline assembler is often not a good way to proceed...

  • Go to the C51 Manual and read the descriptions of ASM and ENDASM - they tell you precisely what to do.

    Be sure to fully read the whole description.

    Also, do a search here for ENDASM - inline assembler is often not a good way to proceed...
