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Assembler to C converter

Does anyone know of a converter to take
8051 assembly source code to C source code.

  • The conventional reply to this request is: "No. You can't turn back hamburgers into a cow."

    What you can get, and is sometimes advertised as a decompiler, is a CPU simulator written in C hard-linked to a copy of the machine code. That's equivalent to constructing a statue of a cow from hamburgers. It still wont eat grass and give milk, though.

  • The conventional reply to this request is: "No. You can't turn back hamburgers into a cow."

    What you can get, and is sometimes advertised as a decompiler, is a CPU simulator written in C hard-linked to a copy of the machine code. That's equivalent to constructing a statue of a cow from hamburgers. It still wont eat grass and give milk, though.

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