Dear All, I am new in micro controller programming, I have micro controller 89C51 and I need the circuit components and schmatic of the programmer ciruit which is interfaced to the computer with the serial port. Please some can send it to me Thanks Regards Sameh
please send me programmer of 89c51
Teleport it, or send it FedEx or???
why don't you get it?
programmer of 89c51 THERE IS NO SUCH THING
There may be a programmer for AT89c51, there may be a programmer for P89c51 there may be a programmer for I89c51, but the programmer for those 3 is different. However 'identical' derivatives may be, the programming algorithm is nearly always unique. Even different generations of chips from the same manufacturer often have different algorithms. As an example, the P89C51Rx2HB program different from the P89C51Rx2B and again different from the P89V51Rx2 .