Dear All, I am new in micro controller programming, I have micro controller 89C51 and I need the circuit components and schmatic of the programmer ciruit which is interfaced to the computer with the serial port. Please some can send it to me Thanks Regards Sameh
OK, just tell me one thing: can i use RXD0, TXD0, GND lines of AT89S51 to download hex file(through hyperterminal) as is the case with MSC1210?? Because in the datasheet they talk about using MOSI, MISO,SCK lines and also about some instructions for serial programming.
"in the datasheet they talk about using MOSI, MISO,SCK lines"
If that's what the datasheet says, then that is what you must do!
Simple as that.
This link shows hardware connections for programming through UART; but they havent shown connection scheme for programming through SPI
***************************************************** Where as in the datasheet AT89S51 they have explained only SPI way of downloading!!!! ANd no mention of downloading through UART!!!
IS it that for C51 we have UART downloading but for S51 only SPI(and no UART downloading) even though it has dual UART!!!
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A generic 8051 has no download facility at all. Therefore, the download facilities that you do find are entirely manufacturer and/or chip-specific.
Therefore you must read the Datasheet for the specifc device and not go making any assumptions based on what other devices may or may not do!
Look at the Key Parameters table in the 89S52 page on Atmel's site: ">
It tells you that ISP is provided via SPI - it doesn't mention anything else (eg, UARTs) so you must assume that there is nothing else.
The datasheet describes two programming methods - Parallel and Serial (see p16). It tells you that the Serial mode uses SPI - again, it doesn't mention anything else (eg, UARTs) so you must assume that there is nothing else.
On Atmel's product page for the 89S52 (see above), there is a link for 'Development Software: AT89ISP' - follow that link:
"The AT89ISP Software performs in-system programming (ISP) of Atmel AT89S/LP devices. It provides an intuitive interface for in-system programming that can be run from a personal computer."
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