Dear All, I am new in micro controller programming, I have micro controller 89C51 and I need the circuit components and schmatic of the programmer ciruit which is interfaced to the computer with the serial port. Please some can send it to me Thanks Regards Sameh
From your great progress and benchmark scores, I take it that you have implemented the much valued gzip auto-decompress just-in-time downloader normally only available in some high-end commercial gang-programmers, to compress the transfer data by a factor 60-70%, and thereby gaining one or more of: - reducing download transfer times - allowing use of smaller chips - circumvent code size restrictions of eval software - emulating rom to ram or reverse depending on need - transparently encapsulating chip differences by compressed emulation nano-kernel - native marshaling between downloaded modules built by different vendors tools
I once planned to implement and sell a 32-bit ARM downloader with the above features, but found out that there where already some multi-architecture products on the market, for unifying PPC/ARM/MIPS/x86 and possibly 68k. However, I completely forgot to look into the lucrative 8-bit market, which its huge installed base and almost infinite number of derivatives...
Hi Per Westermark,
The gzip routines I've developed actually borrow techniques from other lower grade developments.
I refer to it as maximum-compression-go-for-broke-level-10.
Other people sometimes refer to it by the not so catchy name of lossy compression.
I don't want to give too much away on this subject, because I'm considering patents, but I can divulge that it includes a certain degree of randomness - Since no two runs produce the same data, it makes it a right b***er to debug!
Oh well.
sir arthur,
i also need please the programmmer for my 89C51 project. can it be jobbed with visual basic which i know very good for program.
send the sircuit and hex files to